
Small Doses of Mindfulness

Improve your life by focusing on things as simple as walking through doorways… Literally? What is mindfulness? How is it useful? Great questions, however I will save them for the end of the blog. First, let’s start by saying that my observation is that most people are very poor at being mindful. Let’s review what […]

People reading on subway

Millionaire Mentality

Do you have what it takes? Money… Something that Americans are very shy to talk about personally. Have you ever stopped to think about why talking about our personal finances makes us feel uncomfortable? Even discussing it with our own family, it often makes us feel uncomfortable. It’s not completely unique to our culture, but […]

Are You Sweating the Small Stuff?

…And It’s All Small Stuff I remember reading the book “Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff, and it’s All Small Stuff” by Richard Carlson five or six years ago. I found the book enlightening because it was one of those books that points out what you already know, but are probably doing poorly. Carlson points out […]


Compare and Despair? Anyone who knows me knows what a big fan I am of minimalism and the simple life. For lots of reasons I think they are the key to happiness for the average person. I am increasingly shocked by this generation’s status quo of consumerism to the extent that it develops an inability […]

Internal vs. External Locus of Control

Locus of Control

Who holds the keys to your success? Have you ever stopped to think about when something goes wrong for someone, they respond to the situation in one of two distinctively different ways? There are people who find fault in their environment for the reasons for outcomes, and people who look within to find the reasons. […]

TV Chips Beer Guy

Measuring Unhealthy Behavior

How do we measure “Unhealthy”? In nearly all aspects of what we do I am officially and unofficially measuring whether or not a behavior is healthy or unhealthy before a meaningful plan can be put into place to change that behavior. I am a fan of measuring “normal” in a way that compares all individuals […]

Blog Manipulation Image


A force for evil… or good? I have to confess. I have tried to write this blog a few other times, each time I have run into problems writing it. I simply have difficulty adequately making my argument in written form. It’s mostly because it’s a hotly debated topic that some people simply disagree with […]

Distractions and Creative thinking

Unplug and turn on your creative mind I made an interesting observation during my days off on the Allagash Wilderness Waterway. I realized that my thinking profoundly changes when I’m “unplugged”. My thinking was reflective, creative, and abstract to an extent that I don’t think I get when I’m in the weekly grind. In the […]

Self-Care and Unplugging

Does your time off have purpose? Taking the right vacation can recharge your batteries, foster relationships with loved ones, and help you relax. As I write this, I’m 3 days away from a much needed 7-day vacation. I’ve come to realize that everyone has a different definition of the word “vacation”. Some people travel, some […]

4 Reasons Entitlement Ensures Failing at Everything

I had to look back in our blog and double-check. I can’t believe I haven’t blogged about entitlement! It’s probably in our top 5 list of unhelpful thinking habits that we help people address and ideally overcome. Why is it in the top 5? It’s simple, it’s incredibly destructive to one’s ability to succeed at […]