Therapy and Social Media: Part 2

Where does addiction fit in with social media?

If you type “define: addiction” into Google, the word is defined as: “the fact or condition of being addicted to a particular substance, thing, or activity.” It is an excellent, concise definition. Too often we only equate addiction with the “substance” concept, disregarding the other two altogether, and this is fallacy.

A troubled young man who has an addiction to a substance is more likely to be addicted to more than one substance, and is also more susceptible to other addictions – of additional substances, yes, but of things and activities as well. And before he is able to introduce any of these things back into his lifestyle, it only stands to reason that he needs to manage whatever is the first addiction. If he is assaulted with addictive possibilities in his surroundings, he is likely to both replace one addiction with another and eventually revert to his original addiction.

Social media is one such addiction, which is why it is left out of our therapy program. Social media, as I said in the previous post, can play a really positive role in our everyday lives. When it replaces our everyday lives, however, it becomes a problem. Why do people become addicted to drugs? Because drugs are an escape from the struggles of life. Social media affords the same kind of escape if not managed properly. Self-control is necessary before it can become a positive outlet.

In short, social media has absolutely no place in addiction therapy, or in any kind of therapy that focuses on life skills.